Teacher Training

Transform your approach to anatomy.

Sticky Shoulder &
Nagging Neck
Teacher Training Workshop

This teacher training will transform your approach to anatomy, improving the strength and rehabilitation of shoulder, scapula, and thoracic spine issues, which often lead to neck pain. My personal experiences with disc injuries, shoulder issues such as frozen shoulder, impingement, and tendonitis make me empathetic towards your pain and the discouragement of seemingly endless treatments.

However, my extensive two-decade-long study in anatomy and physiology as a joint mobility specialist has taught me that conventional methods have their limits.

This workshop serves as a tool to bridge the gaps left by Pilates, physiotherapy, and other conventional methods. There is a reason why I’m the go to gal when all other methods fall short.

This two-and-a-half-hour virtual training is designed to address these issues, offering flexibility to learn at your own pace and space. It includes both practical and theoretical aspects, covering the commonality of shoulder issues, their accurate assessment, and effective solutions. Enjoy!

Please send me an email with your questions.

Sticky Shoulders Teacher Training
One time

Unlock the secrets of functional movement with our Teacher Training Workshop. Specifically designed for experienced Pilates or Fitness coaches seeking in-depth knowledge on upper cross syndrome, this workshop covers the most common injuries on the shoulder, scapula, neck, and upper back. You'll learn to assess, address, and gain a deeper understanding of why pre or rehab often fails. Elevate your training approach by prioritizing function before skill, and revolutionize your understanding of ana


Discover the key to successful prehab/rehab programs: a deeper understanding of why, which will enable you to program the how. Through my diverse qualifications and my own journey with upper cross syndrome, I learned that traditional exercise alone is not enough. Gain the knowledge and skills to program effective prehab/rehab protocols.


Discover the two-part training that will transform your understanding of movement. With a 60-minute anatomical theory to explain the why, and a 2h movement-based session that can be re-watched over a 4-week period, participants will have ample time to truly engage and delve into the material's depth.


Unleash the power of the shoulder girdle with our training program. You'll gain a theoretical understanding of its complex structure, including how the diaphragm is involved, followed by targeted exercises and invaluable cueing techniques to tie everything together. Enroll now and unlock the secrets to powerful, functional movement.

  • “I attended Ava’s Sticky shoulder workshop and I was thrilled by the level of detail, expertise & guidance was simply fantastic. Ava has a natural ability to share her knowledge in an extreme fun & approachable manner, encouraging questions & delving into the biomechanics, proprioception & neurological aspect of movement.

    Her approach to movement and breath-work is simply put “breath of fresh air! Weather you have a detailed understanding in kinesiology or just looking to improve your own passion in teaching movement, Ava is sure to cater to your needs - she will have you feeling better connected & functioning on a deeper level, I look forward to her future workshops”

    Sara O Reilly
    Owner of Mindful Movements Pilates Studio

  • “I’m a big fan of Ava and absolutely loved her “Sticky shoulder workshop. She is an expert in her field, a brilliantly detailed teacher, has a thirst for knowledge and shares it generously with others. Ava has a far and deep understanding of movement biomechanics and I love her approach to the whole.

    Her passion and personality makes learning fun the practical applications has helped with my particular injury and limitations of many years. If you’re looking for a deeper understanding of the shoulder girdle, biomechanics and ways to help you or your clients, this is a valuable and highly recommended workshop”

    Lisa Hubbard
    Founder of Rhythm Pilates

  • “Ava is an outstanding educator and she has a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of this field and biomechanics as a whole. Her nature is warm and friendly and her style of teaching makes it fun, educational and easy to grasp! Ava is phenomenal and everyone should be doing this workshop”

    Joni Weeks
    Pilates Instructor & Functional Movement Coach

  • “I absolutely loved the shoulders Workshop I recently attended with Ava Rodriguez. She has an incredible way of presenting content that makes sense and is applicable to my own self movement and that of my clients.

    There were many powerful takeaways and is hard to list them all…but one important thing I will not forgets when Ava said “the diaphragm is the Queen of the show!” Reminding me that breath can change the way one moves. I will not miss Ava’s next workshop!”

    Suzanne Singla
    Owner of Singla Pilates & Movement

  • “Ava, you are amazing!!

    Such a knowledgeable, informative and helpful Sticky Shoulders Workshop. Ava has a talent to teach in a fun, easy to understand way, with the best practice and priceless cues.”

    Agi Falenta
    Pilates Instructor

  • “I would like to thank Ava for offering outstanding state-of-the-art workshops for Pilates, Movement, and what’s behind it. I have not experienced any teacher or workshops before that goes deep and understands the connections.

    With her deep understanding of what happens in the body when moving, she is extremely valuable, especially to teachers and therapists who want to learn more to find the drivers of success for their patients and clients. She is able to break it down into digestible parts and her clear presentation and voice contributes a lot to learning these complex topics in an easy and entertaining way. She has clearly found her passion and is dedicated to movement and to bringing everyone around her to a better understanding of movement.

    After her workshop I was able to easily help my clients and fix issues, some of which they had faced for 15 years. Thank you so much, Ava.”

    Maria Lovely Adams
    Pilates instructor & FRCms Certified